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New Year’s Retreat

Friends from Northern Germany, Denmark, Ireland, England, Amerika, Cuba and Venezuela we celebrated the ending of 2015 together with meditation and lectures. John Christoferson, Jeremiah Hendren and Yomiaria Urquia shared their […]

A Brief but Blessed Visit

Lama Ole, surely the Buddhist teacher with the busiest schedule of any in the world, managed to squeeze in a half an hour recently to stop by Lolland Buddhist Retreat […]

Our (almost) new stupa

The first Diamond Way stupa built in the West stands in the courtyard here at Lolland Buddhist Retreat Center. Inaugurated in 1982 by Tenga Rinpoche, it has been exposed to […]

The Stupa’s New Buddha

Lama Ole Nydahl and Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche agreed at last year’s Summer Course that it’s time for a new statue in our stupa: a golden Buddha Shakyamuni. The best place […]

Keeping up with Lolland

Whenever we talk to friends in Denmark, Germany, Czechia, Russia – anywhere really – we realise that Lolland Buddhist Retreat Center is as special a place for people all over […]