Lolland Friends are EC Friends!

To raise awareness of our jewel here in the north, and to give our jewel in the south – the remarkable Europe Center – some small support, the lovely ladies of Lolland joyfully slaved in the kitchen for days, baking delicious treats: biscotti, coconut macaroons and more.

If you were one of the lucky hundreds who discovered our bright red stand at the New Year’s Course in Hamburg, you hopefully took advantage of our offer and not only got a mouth-watering snack, but also supported the Europe Center, since all proceeds were directly passed on to them.

An additional bonus for our retreat center were the eight friends who agreed to become Lolland Friends and support us with a small monthly donation. Thanks friends! If you missed out, never fear, you can become a hero and sign up at any time, but you’ll have to visit us personally to get a taste of Lolland.

Inspiration with the Lolland Friends

If you’re keeping up with Lolland, you probably know there are some changes on the way! Two residents are moving out in December and three new ones will move in by February, so it’s the perfect time for some reflection and new ideas how best to run this amazing place.

Like most of our retreat centers, our local sangha is very small, and it can be a challenge to not only keep the center beautiful and running smoothly, but to also find the time for inspiring plans and future development.

Not to be deterred, we invited our “sangha at large” – the many friends from Denmark, Germany and elsewhere who regularly visit and care deeply about this place – to a weekend of friendship, ideas and inspiration.

The weekend kicked off after everyone arrived Friday night, with a wonderful lecture on “Sangha” by Michaela Fritzges. After breakfast together we continued on Saturday with brainstorming, with exciting new ideas coming thick and fast. Ideas are nothing without someone to execute them, and our extended sangha didn’t disappoint: almost everyone present committed to visit once every month or two and take responsibility for the many things that need doing here.

Thank you to all of our friends who brought their creativity and inspiration. We look forward to doing great things with you in 2015 and beyond! If you couldn’t make it, don’t worry. There are still jobs for you to do too! 😉