The course will start with a first lecture on Thursday at 20.00 and first 8th Karmapa session at 8am on Friday the 1st.
Then, there will be four 8th Karmapa sessions on Friday and Saturday finishing before dinner (8am, 10.30, 15.00, and 17.00) and the final one on Sunday morning. Explanations will be given during the longer mid-morning and/or early afternoon sessions.
We will have a separate meditation area for those that wish to join the weekend and evening lectures but that have not finished ngöndro, so please come!
Each evening, there will be lectures open to all at 20.00 with this preliminary program (subject to change):
Thursday 8pm: View, meditation and action in Diamond Way Buddhism (Rafal)
Friday 8pm: Guru Yoga (Rafal)
Saturday 8pm: Diamond Way Buddhism in everyday life (panel)
Sunday 10.30am: Question & Answers (panel)
We will offer three meals per day at approx 9am, 13.00 and 18.00.
Cost will be 8€ per day or 32€ (240 DKK) for the entire course for all participants.
Please book your bed and accommodation by emailing us at: lolland@buddha.dk
Meal and accommodation prices are on our website, as usual: http://buddha-lolland.dk/prices/
Warm welcome to all 😉