Meditating with Families

Starting a family enriches life, but brings with it many new challenges for a practicing Buddhist. Finding the time and freedom to meditate can be quite difficult, so to support Buddhist parents (and kids!) Lolland offers at least one Family Retreat a year.

The first one this year started on the first Thursday evening of May, when seventeen families arrived and settled into their rooms. The crystal clear weather the next morning made it the perfect weekend for families. Some took advantage of the spacious garden and gorgeous weather to simply relax with their children, but many of the parents helped each other out, taking turns to entertain the kids with games in the garden, face painting and tasty sweets, while other parents took the chance to meditate. Other than that, two dads treated us all to a barbecue lunch, two other dads planted the “family strawberry patch” which will be harvested by the kids at the summer course, and Jesper and Charlotte Jorgensen, Diamond Way teachers and parents with plenty of experience helping run Buddhist centers, gave talks in the evening about combining a family with active Buddhist practice.

We really enjoyed hosting parents and their children and look forward to doing it again soon!

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